


bialinaja (3/6/2008 2:55:16 PM): antoni: FW: aBo abo: jika tidak berkeberatan, tolong sebarkan info berikut.. JIka andamengenal atau mengetahui ada anak miskin atau dari golongan kurang mampu,lulus SD (berijasah) tetapi tidak dapat meneruskan ke SMP, umur max 18tahun, tinggal di Jakarta Selatan, dapat menghubungi Ibu Ade, Pancoran TimurVIII no. 4B Jakarta 12770 telp. 7990412 HP. 085691500258, Untuk selanjutnyaakan disurvei. Jika tidak ada halangan tahun ini akan dibuka sekolah rakyat(SMP terbuka) gratis di Jakarta Selatan khusus untuk anak miskin dan darigolongan tidak mampu ..Best Regards,Ade Andria Outreach SampoernaFoundation Sampoerna Strategic Square Tower A, 27th Floor Jl. JendralSudirman (bantu forward yah). thanks.



Ini karena salah satu kehebohan MAS MEGANDARU salah satu Dosen Sekolah Politik Kerakyatan Komunitas Indonesia Baru yang juga Dosen yang mengajar di Kampus IPDN atau lebih terkenal STPDN ( ingat kasus - Kasus di Jatinangor ini ).Provokasi nya ternyata mampu meluluh lantakan hati hasrat dan keinginan Pengurus KIBAR untuk menonton fil tersebut ..dia bilang Film ini bagus trus sampai-sampai beliau menontonya hingga tiga kali dan terakhir empat kali bersama kita di Cilandak Town Square.
Maka berangkatlah pengurus KIBAR melakukan study Banding di Bioskop 21 tersebut bersama - sama dengan staff kru serta tidak lupa Darma Wanita dari kelompok Trio Macan yang seringkali menghias Mimosa bersama BALQIS FANS CLUB .
Kegiatan Studi Banding tersebut nantinya akan menjadi bahan persiapan seminar Kibar dalam sesi khusus yang membahas POLIGAMI yang rencanaya akan dilakukan pada Bulan Maret 2008 ini.
Acara study Banding ini agak mengalami gangguan sedikit karena faktor teknis di lapangan , terutama ketika tiket sudah mulai habis terjual sehingga salah seorang Murid sekolah politik kerakyatan KIBAR tersebut tidak mendapatkan tiket dan terpaksaharus kembali pulang dengan pasrah...keluhnya " wah dari pada aku kemalan tidak jelas mending pulang lah..mana kalo malam kendaraan jarang lagi"demikian kata Adit .

berikut ini sedikit cuplikan Film adegan dalam Film ayat-ayat Cinta tersebut: ( maklumlah potongan kalo lengkap nanti dibilang pembajakan) he ... he... he...!!!!!!!!
Ayat Ayat Cinta is a beautifully portrayed Islamic love story -- a tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles of life maintaining pure ideals.Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University. Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determined targets.Only one goal is left unattempted: the pursuit of marriage.For Fahri is innocent and pure, and doesn't believe in the concept of relationships prior to marriage. He is inarticulate and shy around women. All his life, only two women have been close to him -- his mother and grandmother.Life changes drastically in Egypt for he suddenly finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women.Maria Girgis, a shy, open-minded Coptic-Christian neighbor who is attracted to the teachings of the Holy Al Quran, finds herself falling in love with Fahri (a fact she only reveals to her diary).Nurul, a student at Al Azhar like Fahri, is the Muslim daughter of a renowned Indonesian cleric. Fahri feels unworthy of her and thus ignores his feelings for her, leaving her confused and guessing.Noura, an abused Egyptian neighbor, develops strong romantic feelings for Fahri, who in turn simply sympathizes with her situation. His romantic rejection destroys her and eventually leads to a false accusation of rape.Aisha, a German Turkish student in Cairo haunts Fahri with her beautiful eyes. Following an incident on the metro where Fahri defends her against narrow minded bigoted Muslims, both immediately develop feelings for each other.As the story unravels, the protagonist makes the audience face the daunting decisions he himself faces, and forces us to marvel at his undying loyalty to the true ideals of Islam as he ultimately makes the choice of a lifetime.

what a wonderful of Love

what a wonderful of Love


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Walaoe poen Hidoep dalam hajat itoe tidak lah moedah namoen djangan lah hidoep diboeat soesah
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